Insan Dost Social Organization (IDSO-PK) In Pakistan

        Insan Dost Social Organization (IDSO-PK) is Non-Profit Organization                located at District Khairpur Mir’s, Sindh, Pakistan.










INSAN DOST SOCIAL ORGANIZATION (IDSO), was laid foundation in 2009 and initially was registered under non-profit organization, established & registered in 2011 under voluntary social welfare agencies (registration and control) ordinance 1961. After that, ISDO got registration under the Societies Act 1860 in 2018 with registered number SK2006is a beacon of hope and transformation in District Khairpur Mirs, Sindh, Pakistan. As a non-profit organization, IDSO PAK is dedicated to empowering rural communities through a multifaceted approach that addresses public health, education, community infrastructure, emergency response, humanitarian assistance, women’s empowerment, and promotes sustainable rural development by engaging the youth, women, disabled persons, transgender, and communities in general equally.

IDSO PAK’s believes that sustainable development is achievable through comprehensive and inclusive community engagement. The organization operates a range of projects aimed at enhancing the quality of life for the disadvantaged and disasters hit communities across Sindh province of Pakistan.  These projects include community mobilization efforts, quality education programs, primary health education, health, and infrastructure development. By focusing on these areas, IDSO PAK works tirelessly to create a foundation for long-term growth and improvement.

Since its, establishment, IDSO has worked with local, national and international donor agencies including the local philanthropists and national and provincial government departments and independent bodies. IDSO has strong working relation and support with the Sindh Education Foundation (SEF) Govt of Sindh, ShirkatGah “Women’s Resource Center (WRC)”, White Ribbon Alliance Pakistan, UNICEF-Pakistan, World Vision, Sports and Youth Affair’s Department Govt of Sindh, International Organization on Migration (IOM)-UKAID, Ambassador’s Fund Program (AFGP) USAID, Indus Resource Center (IRC) Sindh Community Foundation (ACF)Civil Society Support Program (CSSP).

Apart from this, IDSO is also member of local, national and international vibrant and active civil society networks. For instances, it is member of Freshwater, Action Network-FANSA, National Humanitarian Network (NHN) Pakistan and Free and Fair Election Network FAFEN under Civil Society Democratic Network (CSDN) Sukkur Region. IDSO is also member of SUN-Civil Society Alliance Pakistan Network for nutrition development, International Development Network IDN, Community Development Network (CDN), The Multipurpose Inter Parliamentary Union (TMIPU), Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR), Ending Violence Against Women and Girls (EVAW/G) Alliance.

Core Values & Principles


Our Vision

• A society where every individual has equal access to resources, education, healthcare, economic empowerment and development and living high-quality life with all necessities, free from any form of gender, ethnic, or religious discrimination including rights protection.

Our Mission

• To empower marginalized communities by initiating education, health, community infrastructure, DRR, emergency response, and economic empowerment projects by focusing disadvantaged individuals, especially women, children, and indigenous communities, through effective resource management, capacity building and fostering their social and economic upliftment.

Core Values/Principles

Core Values & Principles

1. Accountably and Transparency
2. Human Dignity
3. Responsibility
4. Confidentiality
5. Self-Reliance
6. Equality and Equity
7. Peace Culture and pluralism
8. Performance and team working


Our Objectives

  • To promote education among the school-age children of rural and remote areas of the province by providing quality education, capacity development of teachers, and adopting new pedagogical skills along with introducing innovative approaches in teaching and promoting extra-curricular activities
  • Establishing community schools and/or donor supported schools and continuing their operations for supporting education initiatives and collaborating with government education and other literacy departments.
  • To increase and upgrade the health facilities and create awareness among communities for reducing the vulnerability.
  • To promote income generating activities and create vocational skills for the youngsters, women, and IDPs of emergencies affected natural disasters to become self-sufficient and reduce the level of poverty living.
  • To improve health status of communities through health education, environmental cleanliness, and increasing access to primary health and child care centers in remote villages.
  • To improve water, sanitation and hygiene conditions through provision of missing infrastructure and facilities at remote areas.
  • To promote gender equality and women rights education to human rights defenders and CBOs.
  • To enhance access to quality education for disadvantaged children in rural villages through the establishment of schools and the development of essential infrastructure. By providing conducive learning environments, we aim to empower these children with the knowledge and skills necessary for a brighter future.
  • To Increase awareness among women, men and youth about deadly diseases.
  • To create awareness among women and girls about pro women laws and policies for their information and compliance their legal rights.


Core Values (IDSO-PK)

  • Equity: Ensuring fairness and justice in all interventions, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or
  • Empowerment: Empowering communities through education, skills development, and advocacy for rights.
  • Sustainability: Commitment to sustainable development goals and practices.
  • Accountability and Transparency: Operating with openness, transparency and accountability in all endeavors.
  • Inclusivity: Fostering an inclusive environment that respects and values diversity by ensuring inclusion of all groups
  • Collaboration: Working collaboratively with stakeholders and partners to achieve shared goals.

Thematic Areas (IDSO-PK)

  • Education: Promoting quality education and literacy among rural communities.
  • Health: Enhancing health awareness, facilities, and access to healthcare services.
  • Women Empowerment: Advocating for gender equality, women’s rights, and empowerment.
  • Emergency Response and Humanitarian Assistance
  • Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH): Improving WASH infrastructure and practices.
  • Livelihoods and Economic Empowerment: Supporting income-generating activities and vocational skills development.
  • Community Development: Enhancing community resilience, governance, and participation.
  • Human Rights and Advocacy: Promoting human rights education and advocacy initiatives.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Addressing environmental issues and promoting sustainable practices.
